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Developers are discovering the immense power of Clojure's functional programming model to quickly solve problems in domains ranging from social networking to Big Data. Targeting the Java Virtual Machine, Clojure also leverages the Java platform's maturity and enormous ecosystem. Clojure Recipes is a "code recipe book" for this increasingly popular language.


Clojure Recipes is a book of recipes that deliver concrete end-to-end solutions that assist you in building your applications. It's perfect for getting started with Clojure, or to give to your friends so they can get up and running.


If you wanted to get started with Clojure on your weekend project, or in your workplace, then you need some clear examples to get started with. Clojure Recipes provides step-by-step instructions to get you up and running quickly, and the understanding to know how this fits into the bigger picture.


Each chapter of the book contains a self-contained solution that guides you through, step by step, explaining each concept as you go. At the end of the chapter you'll have a working application.

Julian Gamble focuses on practical and complete examples that illuminate Clojure's key features and show step-by-step how to solve real-world problems with it. Clojure Recipes provides a series of "learn by doing" step-by-step projects, you'll learn how to:

  • Write your own DSL
  • Build a website with Pedestal
  • Add Clojurescript to your website
  • Abstract boilerplate code into a macro
  • Get started with Storm
  • Build an application with Datomic
  • Build log readers, web app monitors, web


Julian Gamble (Sydney, Australia) is a software engineer who has worked in the financial services industry for more than a decade. When he's not enabling billions of dollars to orbit the globe, he writes and presents on all things software related.

Follow Clojure Recipes on Twitter at @ClojureRecipes